Quote from the  Mayor of New York City: " Bishop, thank you for your friendship. Thank you for being a brother in arms. Thank you for being a leader who brings people forward. We are blessed lets thank him! I also love coming to this gathering because I am among people who truly believe in service. Helping others is in your blood - it's in your heart! Thank you for choosing to go forward in this way, and help people who need you. Remember, LACA came out of what may been the toughest day in the history of this city, 9-11. And LACA represented all that was good about this city, because it was open to anyone who wanted to help others. Putting faith into action. Training people who had a special gift to do even more. And because of LACA, chaplains have gone to the front. TO the hospitals, to the prisons, to the fire stations, to the police houses- whatever. Wherever there was a need, that's where you went. When someone needs to be uplifted, you'll find LACA there."


1112 Garrison Ave Bronx NY 10474 US



L.A.C.A. had its genesis in the midst of the devastating tragedy of the World Trade Center. L.A.C.A., since day one, has provided numerous chaplains to assist firefighters and police officers in dealing with the traumatic events which surrounded this tragedy. L.A.C.A. was also instrumental in assisting families of American Airlines flight 587. L.A.C.A. chaplains were the first to be present in helping these families through their grief. Presently L.A.C.A. is working with police precincts, fire stations, City of New York Cadets cords, Rikers Island correctional facility, rehabilitation programs and several hospitals.

>>The Benefits of Chaplaincy
Enhancing Coping Strategies Trauma can be defined as the overwhelming of coping mechanism. Studies demonstrate that spiritual well being helps persons moderate the feeling associated with trauma and critical incidents: anxiety (Kaczorowski, 1989), hopelessness (Mickley, Socken, & Belcher, 1992), isolation, (Feher & Maly, 1999). Many law enforcement officers and patients expect chaplains to help them with distressing feelings (Hover, Travis, Koeng & Bearon, 1992).